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The Government Ordinance, which is composed of 12 articles and four Annexes, lays down requirements for the protection of animals during the slaughter in a special way due to religious rites and provisions concerning protection of animals during transport and accommodation, stunning, bleeding, killing at eradication, killing surplus chicks and embryos in hatchery. The present Ordinance reqgulates also the acquisition of competence for the tasks associated with the killing of animals. The aim is to ensure that no unnecesary pain or suffering is caused to animals during the activities mentioned above.
The Government Ordinance, which is composed of 12 articles and four Annexes, lays down requirements for the protection of animals during the slaughter in a special way due to religious rites and provisions concerning protection of animals during transport and accommodation, stunning, bleeding, killing at eradication, killing surplus chicks and embryos in hatchery. The present Ordinance reqgulates also the acquisition of competence for the tasks associated with the killing of animals. The aim is
Ordinance establishing requirements for the protection of animals at the time of killing.
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