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This Governmental Ordinance, which is composed of 25 articles and eight Annexes, establishes particular requirements aimed at the protection of animals destined to experimental purposes or other scientific purposes. For the purposes of this Ordinance, animal is defined as any live non-human vertebrate, including free-living larval and reproducing larval forms, but excluding foetal or embryonic forms (art. 2). Experiments on animals may be exercised only on the purposeof: (a) the development, manufacture, verification of quality, efficiency and safety of medicines, food, feed or other substances or products; (b) environmental protection in order to maintain or improving the health and welfare of humans or animals. Experiments on animals are prohibited on the purpose of development or testing of cosmetic products or their components, or combinations of ingredients, unless permitted by a special reguilation.
This Governmental Ordinance, which is composed of 25 articles and eight Annexes, establishes particular requirements aimed at the protection of animals destined to experimental purposes or other scientific purposes. For the purposes of this Ordinance, animal is defined as any live non-human vertebrate, including free-living larval and reproducing larval forms, but excluding foetal or embryonic forms (art. 2). Experiments on animals may be exercised only on the purposeof: (a) the development, man
Ordinance establishing requirements for the protection of animals used for experimental purposes or other scientific purposes.
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