This Ordinance provides for designation of the waste and the classification of their hazardousness. The Ordinance consists of List of Waste as Annex that designate waste in order of six-digit waste code and waste description.The competent authorities can use the waste codes for issuance of the official orders and decisions. The hazardous waste are defined in accordance with section 48 of the Recycling Management Act. In individual cases the competent authority can decide to consider the waste as hazardous by considering the content, relevant properties and substance. The List of Waste Annex provides for definitions (1); assessment and classification (2) and list of waste (3). Chapter on the list of waste provides codifications.
Article 1 of the above-mentioned Ordinance contains an Ordinance relating to the European Waste Catalogue. (Wastes Catalogue Ordinance). It implements the Commission Decision 2000/532/EC of 3 May 2000 replacing Decision 94/3/EC establishing a list of wastes.
Consolidated version of the Ordinance implementing the European Waste List as last amended by the Ordinance on 30 June 2020 (BGBI. I p.1533).
Ordinance implementing the European Waste List.
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