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The present Ordinance aims to protect and conserve interesting townscapes and cultural objects, including buildings and cultural heritage and historical places as well as their surroundings. The text consists of 35 articles divided into 7 Parts as follows: Purpose and content (1); Principles (2); Protection measures and effects (3); Extent of protection and contributions (4); Competences (5); Penalties and legal protection (6).
The present Ordinance aims to protect and conserve interesting townscapes and cultural objects, including buildings and cultural heritage and historical places as well as their surroundings. The text consists of 35 articles divided into 7 Parts as follows: Purpose and content (1); Principles (2); Protection measures and effects (3); Extent of protection and contributions (4); Competences (5); Penalties and legal protection (6).
The present Ordinance is consolidated as of 1 July 2008.
Ordinance on protection of architectural and cultural heritage (Monument Protection Ordinance).
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