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The present Ordinance implements the Act of 27 September 1981 on the protection of waters. In particular, it establishes the specific competence of the various authorities and offices dealing with the subject matter. The local authority ensures that imminent or already occurred water pollution shall be at once combated or, in case it is not entitled to deal with, it shall be reported to the competent office. The text consists of 33 articles divided into 10 Parts as follows: Organization (1); Competence (2); Prevention of damage (3); Disposal of waste water (4); Waste disposal (5); Protection of groundwater (6); Contribution of the Canton (7); Administrative proceedings (8); Safety measures (9); Final provisions (10).
The present Ordinance implements the Act of 27 September 1981 on the protection of waters. In particular, it establishes the specific competence of the various authorities and offices dealing with the subject matter. The local authority ensures that imminent or already occurred water pollution shall be at once combated or, in case it is not entitled to deal with, it shall be reported to the competent office. The text consists of 33 articles divided into 10 Parts as follows: Organization (1); Com
Ordinance on the protection of waters.
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