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The present Ordinance implements the Water Rights Act 1959 (BGBl. I No. 215). The purpose of the Ordinance is to improves those surface waters listed in Annex 1. Article 3 establishes that in case of water withdrawal, a minimum depth of water shall be ensured for fish and aquatic animals as set out in Annex 2. The text consists of 3 articles and 2 Annexes.
The present Ordinance implements the Water Rights Act 1959 (BGBl. I No. 215). The purpose of the Ordinance is to improves those surface waters listed in Annex 1. Article 3 establishes that in case of water withdrawal, a minimum depth of water shall be ensured for fish and aquatic animals as set out in Annex 2. The text consists of 3 articles and 2 Annexes.
Ordinance by the regional government on the rehabilitation of surface waters.
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