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The present Ordinance implements the Act of 23 May 1996 on protection of nature and landscape conservation. Certain native plants and non-huntable animals and certain alien species shall obtain special protection because they are exposed to constant risks by human beings and international trade. The text consists of 5 articles as follows: Principle (1); List of specially protected native plants (2); List of specially protected native animals (3); List of specially protected non-indigenous plants and animals (4); Entry into force (5).
The present Ordinance implements the Act of 23 May 1996 on protection of nature and landscape conservation. Certain native plants and non-huntable animals and certain alien species shall obtain special protection because they are exposed to constant risks by human beings and international trade. The text consists of 5 articles as follows: Principle (1); List of specially protected native plants (2); List of specially protected native animals (3); List of specially protected non-indigenous plants
Ordinance on special protected plants and animal species.
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