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The present Ordinance applies to the supply of potable water to the Canton of Basel-Stadt by the Industrial Firm Basel. The text consists of 68 articles divided into 12 Parts as follows: Subject matter (I); General provisions (II); Supply net (III); Water connection (IV); House installations (V); Measuring installations (VI); Meter (VII); Requirements for delivery and use (VIII); Billing (IX); Public fountains (X); Authorization for installations (XI); Special arrangements and supplementary provisions (XII); Repeal of existing legislation (XIII). One Annex is enclosed.
The present Ordinance applies to the supply of potable water to the Canton of Basel-Stadt by the Industrial Firm Basel. The text consists of 68 articles divided into 12 Parts as follows: Subject matter (I); General provisions (II); Supply net (III); Water connection (IV); House installations (V); Measuring installations (VI); Meter (VII); Requirements for delivery and use (VIII); Billing (IX); Public fountains (X); Authorization for installations (XI); Special arrangements and supplementary prov
Ordinance on the supply of potable water.
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