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The present Ordinance implements the Law on professional trade in livestock of 2 April 1922. In particular, article 1 establishes whoever wants to engage in professional cattle trade, shall submit an application to the Veterinary Office. The text consists of 14 articles divided into 7 Parts as follows: Issue of authorization (I); Renewal of authorization (II); Business directory (III); Determination of volume of sale (IV); Trade in poultry (V); Index of cattle dealers (VI); Entry into force and enforcement (VII).
The present Ordinance implements the Law on professional trade in livestock of 2 April 1922. In particular, article 1 establishes whoever wants to engage in professional cattle trade, shall submit an application to the Veterinary Office. The text consists of 14 articles divided into 7 Parts as follows: Issue of authorization (I); Renewal of authorization (II); Business directory (III); Determination of volume of sale (IV); Trade in poultry (V); Index of cattle dealers (VI); Entry into force and
The present Ordinance repeals the previous Ordinance of 8 December 1928 on the same subject.
Ordinance on trade in livestock (Livestock Trade Ordinance).
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