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The present Ordinance is made under the Federal Agriculture Act of 29 April 1998 and ensures the efficient and correct implementation of the Ordinance of 14 November 2007 on viticulture and importation of wine. In particular, article 1 establishes that the Executive Council is the competent authority in the Canton for all aspects and matters dealing with viniculture. The text consists of 16 articles divided into 4 Parts as follows: Competences (1); Vine planting (2); Registered designation of origin (3); Final provisions (4).
The present Ordinance is made under the Federal Agriculture Act of 29 April 1998 and ensures the efficient and correct implementation of the Ordinance of 14 November 2007 on viticulture and importation of wine. In particular, article 1 establishes that the Executive Council is the competent authority in the Canton for all aspects and matters dealing with viniculture. The text consists of 16 articles divided into 4 Parts as follows: Competences (1); Vine planting (2); Registered designation of or
Ordinance on viticulture (Cantonal Viticulture).
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