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This Act provides rules for the packaging and marking of goods, including food, fish and beverages, and the approval of brands. The Minister may, by notice in the National Gazette, exempt on such terms and conditions as he thinks proper, any article or class of article, from all or any of the provisions of this Act (sect. 5). Sections 7 to 10 concern the approval of brands by the Minister. Sections 11 to 21 provide rules for packing of articles. These rules do not apply to or in relation to an article that is, otherwise than at the request of the purchaser, weighed or measured before or at the time of sale in the presence of the purchaser. The Minister may, by notice in the National Gazette, appoint a day in respect of a prescribed article. A packer who packs the article otherwise than in the denomination of the weight or measure prescribed in relation to a prescribed article is guilty of an offence (sect. 13). A person who sells an article that was packed in contravention of Part IV is guilty of an offence unless the sale of the article is authorized by a permit (sect. 22). The Minister may issue, under section 24, a permit for the sale of articles that do not comply with the rules mentioned above. (31 sections)
This Act provides rules for the packaging and marking of goods, including food, fish and beverages, and the approval of brands. The Minister may, by notice in the National Gazette, exempt on such terms and conditions as he thinks proper, any article or class of article, from all or any of the provisions of this Act (sect. 5). Sections 7 to 10 concern the approval of brands by the Minister. Sections 11 to 21 provide rules for packing of articles. These rules do not apply to or in relation to an a
Consolidated version of 2006 of Chapter 285 as amended by Act No. 6 of 2002.
Packaging Act.
Papua New Guinea
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