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"Plant pest" means an organism including any pathogen, which is known or suspected or liable to be directly or indirectly harmful to plants or beneficial organisms, and includes any noxious plant or weed and any product of any pest (sect. 1). The Minister, on the advice of the Director in consultation with the Principal Plant Protection Officer, for the purpose of managing the risks associated with importation of goods, make Orders prohibiting or exempting specified categories goods and applying particular restrictions or conditions to specified categories of goods. Section 4 concerns measures to control plant pests. The Minister may issue Orders for the: (a) the application of specified restrictions, prohibitions, conditions or other controls to the movement into, within, or from the controlled place or area of specified plant materials, goods, pests, or conveyances; (b) the treatment of any specified plant material, goods or conveyances, within or prior to entering or leaving the controlled place or area; (c) the eradication or other management of any plant pest within the controlled place or area. The Minister may issue an Emergency Order under section 7 for the purpose of managing an unexpected and serious outbreak of a quarantine pest in any area of Vanuatu. Section 8 provides for the use of Codes of Practice. Other provisions of this Act concern inspection, enforcement and regulation making powers of the Minister and matters of miscellaneous character. (29 sections)
"Plant pest" means an organism including any pathogen, which is known or suspected or liable to be directly or indirectly harmful to plants or beneficial organisms, and includes any noxious plant or weed and any product of any pest (sect. 1). The Minister, on the advice of the Director in consultation with the Principal Plant Protection Officer, for the purpose of managing the risks associated with importation of goods, make Orders prohibiting or exempting specified categories goods and applying
Reprinted edition of 2006 of Act No. 14 of 1997.
Plant Protection Act 1997 (Cap. 239).
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