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According to article 12, paragraph 1 (4) of the Federal Constitution Act, this Act sets out guidelines on the protection of plants from diseases to be implemented in the L nder. The Act contains at the outset a definition clause relating to various terms therein employed such as, for example, "plants", "parts of plants", "plant products", etc. Article 3 contains regulations to be implemented by the L nder such as, for example, the use of plant production products in the L nder, etc. The Act consists of 8 articles.
According to article 12, paragraph 1 (4) of the Federal Constitution Act, this Act sets out guidelines on the protection of plants from diseases to be implemented in the Länder. The Act contains at the outset a definition clause relating to various terms therein employed such as, for example, "plants", "parts of plants", "plant products", etc. Article 3 contains regulations to be implemented by the Länder such as, for example, the use of plant production products in the Länder, etc. The Act cons
The preseent Act is consoldiated as of 87/2005.
Plant Protection Guidelines Act.
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