Vaccination against the diseases specified by list II of Annex A to Presidential Decree No. 263 in certain zones and farms, as well as vaccination against the diseases defined by list I of Annex A to the above-mentioned Decree shall be forbidden. This Presidential Decree adds to Presidential Decree No. 263 Annex E, which lays down criteria for vaccination programmes. Such programmes must contain the information listed out in article 1, paragraph c) of this Decree.
Vaccination against the diseases specified by list II of Annex A to Presidential Decree No. 263 in certain zones and farms, as well as vaccination against the diseases defined by list I of Annex A to the above-mentioned Decree shall be forbidden. This Presidential Decree adds to Presidential Decree No. 263 Annex E, which lays down criteria for vaccination programmes. Such programmes must contain the information listed out in article 1, paragraph c) of this Decree.
Presidential Decree No. 425 implementing Council Directive 2000/27/EC of 2 May 2000 amending Directive 93/53/EEC introducing minimum Community measures for the control of certain fish diseases.
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