With the present Decree are laid down the animal health conditions for the movement between member States and import from third countries of live equidae. The Decree consists of 22 articles, divided in three Chapters, as follows: Chapter I, General provisions (articles 1-2); Chapter II, Rules for movement of equidae (articles 3-9), Chapter III, Rules for imports from third countries (articles 10-21). Article 22 establishes the entry into force. Also, four Annexes are attached to the Decree: Annex A lists down the compulsory notifiable diseases; Annex B lays down health information required; Annex C provides the model health Certificate for trade between member States of the EEC; and Annex D establishes details standards and procedures for the African horse sickness diagnosis, spot test layout and test Sera.
With the present Decree are laid down the animal health conditions for the movement between member States and import from third countries of live equidae. The Decree consists of 22 articles, divided in three Chapters, as follows: Chapter I, General provisions (articles 1-2); Chapter II, Rules for movement of equidae (articles 3-9), Chapter III, Rules for imports from third countries (articles 10-21). Article 22 establishes the entry into force. Also, four Annexes are attached to the Decree: Anne
Presidential Decree No. 528 establishing animal health conditions governing the movement and import from and to EU member-States and third countries of equidae, in compliance with Council Directive 90/426/EEC.
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