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This Regulation lays down sanitary requirements applicable to the killing of wild game and to the preparation and placing on the market of wild-game meat. It does not apply to: (a) small numbers of wild game supplied directly by the hunter to the consumer or to the retailer; (b) small quantities of wild-game meat supplied directly to the final consumer; (c) the cutting and storage of wild-game meat in retail shops or in premises adjacent to sales points, where the cutting and storage are performed solely for the purpose of supplying the consumer directly on the spot. The checks relevant to the above shall be performed by the competent regional authorities. The requisites established in this Decree concerning trade or imports do not apply to trophies or to killed wild game carried by travellers in their private vehicle provided that only a small quantity of small wild game or a single large wild game animal is involved and that the meat of such game is not intended for trade or commercial use, or that the game in question does not come from a country or a part of a country trade from which is prohibited (either for the presence of contaminants or for the implementation of measures of sanitary police). Chapter II establishes provisions applicable to the production and trade of game meat. In particular, it lists the sanitary requirements of the meat (e.g., place of origin, characteristics of collection centres, processing houses, sanitary inspections, veterinary checks, storing, handling and processing methods, slaughtering procedures). Moreover, wild game meat declared fit for human consumption must: (a) bear a health mark in compliance with Annex I, Chapter VII; (b) after post-mortem inspection be stored according to Annex I, Chapter X under satisfactory hygiene conditions in wild game processing houses or establishment approved in accordance with the national legislation in force; (c) be accompanied during transportation by the documentation required and in compliance with hygiene requirements provided for in Annex I, Chapter XI. Chapter III concerns provisions applicable to imports into the Community. The Decree is followed by two Annexes. Annex I is divided into the following Chapters: General conditions for the approval of processing houses (I); Hygiene of the staff, premises and equipment in the establishments (II); Hygiene in respect of the preparation of wild game and the cutting and handling of wild-game meat (III); Requirements for wild game meat intended for cutting (IV); Post-mortem health inspection (V); Sanitary check of cut wild game and stored wild-game meat (VI); Health marking (VII); Wrapping and packaging of wild-game meat (VIII); Health certificate (IX); Storage (X); Transport (XI). Annex II contains a specimen of the animal health certificate to be filled in and signed by the official veterinarian.
This Regulation lays down sanitary requirements applicable to the killing of wild game and to the preparation and placing on the market of wild-game meat. It does not apply to: (a) small numbers of wild game supplied directly by the hunter to the consumer or to the retailer; (b) small quantities of wild-game meat supplied directly to the final consumer; (c) the cutting and storage of wild-game meat in retail shops or in premises adjacent to sales points, where the cutting and storage are perform
This Decree shall not affect national rules adopted for the conservation of fauna (art. 19, para. 1).
Presidential Decree No. 607 implementing Directive No. 92/45/EEC on health and sanitary police problems relating to the killing of wild game and the placing on the market of wild-game meat.
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