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The purpose of this Order, in compliance with European Community Directive No. 2003/99/EC, is to ensure that zoonoses, zoonotic agents and related antimicrobial resistance are properly monitored, and that food-borne outbreaks receive proper epidemiological investigation, to enable the collection in the Community of the information necessary, to evaluate relevant trends and sources. For the purposes of this Directive, the competent Greek authority designated shall be the General Veterinary Directorate under the Food and Agricultural Development Ministry.
The purpose of this Order, in compliance with European Community Directive No. 2003/99/EC, is to ensure that zoonoses, zoonotic agents and related antimicrobial resistance are properly monitored, and that food-borne outbreaks receive proper epidemiological investigation, to enable the collection in the Community of the information necessary, to evaluate relevant trends and sources. For the purposes of this Directive, the competent Greek authority designated shall be the General Veterinary Direct
By the entry into force of the Order, Presidential Order No. 402/1994 (224A) is abrogated.
Presidential Order No. 41 on the monitoring of zoonoses and zoonotic agents.
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