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The present Law distinguishes between five types of property:
(1) State property, which includes "material and technical basis of the society under state control" and assets used in operations carried out by the state. According to article 4, paragraph 2, the state may grant the right to use natural resources (land, water, forests) to other organizations, economic units and individuals. Further provisions concern cases of acquisition of state property, the right of use and the confiscation of state assets;
(2) Collective properties, which are the properties of cooperatives and other collective institutions;
(3) Individual properties, which comprise production means, products, merchandises belonging to small owners (farmers, manufacturers, etc.);
(4) Private properties, under which article 16 includes "production means, products, merchandises and capital" belonging to and administered by economic units;
(5) Personal properties, i.e. "consumer goods, items for personal use, facilities, houses, furniture, raised animal and other incomes" (art. 20).
Chapter V regulates the acquisition and termination of property. Further important provisions concern the right to request for road passage or passage of drains and the use of vacant land deteriorated forest land by individuals or collective organizations for development, cultivation or animal husbandry purposes. Chapter VII states the measures to be taken against any violation of the right of property (filing of complaints, seizure, compensation of damages, etc.).
The present Law distinguishes between five types of property:
Property Law.
Lao People’s Democratic Republic
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