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This Order prohibits the use of purse seines for the capture of herrings in certain parts of the Celtic Sea, having regard in doing so to the North-East Atlantic Fisheries Convention signed in London: the use of purse seines for the capture of herrings in the Celtic Sea between the parallels of 5 and 9 west longitude and 49 and 52 30' north latitude is hereby prohibited.
This Order prohibits the use of purse seines for the capture of herrings in certain parts of the Celtic Sea, having regard in doing so to the North-East Atlantic Fisheries Convention signed in London: the use of purse seines for the capture of herrings in the Celtic Sea between the parallels of 5° and 9° west longitude and 49° and 52° 30' north latitude is hereby prohibited.
Purse Seine Prohibition Order, 1971.
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