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This Act makes provision for the control of extraction of building minerals and related operations in Vanuatu. A custom owner may in principle apply to the Commissioner for an aggregate prospecting permit to prospect building minerals in a rural area, whereas a quarry company may apply to the Commissioner for an aggregate prospecting permit to prospect building minerals in an urban area. However, the Commissioner may, on the payment of the prescribed fee, issue to a custom owner or a quarry company an aggregate prospecting permit to prospect building minerals. Terms and conditions of an aggregate prospecting permit are specified. The holder of an aggregate prospecting permit may apply to the Commissioner for a quarry permit to extract building minerals. A person who is not a holder of an aggregate prospecting permit may apply to the Commissioner for an occasional permit to extract building minerals. An application shall, among other things, include an environment management plan and a rehabilitation plan. The Act establishes a Quarry Advisory Board.
This Act makes provision for the control of extraction of building minerals and related operations in Vanuatu. A custom owner may in principle apply to the Commissioner for an aggregate prospecting permit to prospect building minerals in a rural area, whereas a quarry company may apply to the Commissioner for an aggregate prospecting permit to prospect building minerals in an urban area. However, the Commissioner may, on the payment of the prescribed fee, issue to a custom owner or a quarry comp
Quarry Act 2013 (No. 9 of 2013).
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