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This Act provides for basic safety standards for the protection of persons and the environment against the dangers arising from ionising radiation and the rights, obligations and liability of persons upon the use of ionising radiation. Radiation practices shall be considered those increasing radiation level and exposure to radiation such as: (a) the production, processing, use, possession, storage
carriage, import to and export from the state, and interim or final disposal of radioactive substances (including radioactive waste management); and (b) the operation of any electrical equipment emitting ionising radiation and containing components operating at a potential difference of more than 5 kV. The performance of activities related to radiation protection shall be organised by the Ministry
of the Environment within the limits of its competence through the Environmental Inspectorate and the Radiation Protection Centre. Radiation practice shall be carried out in accordance with licences issued by the Ministry of Environment.
This Act provides for basic safety standards for the protection of persons and the environment against the dangers arising from ionising radiation and the rights, obligations and liability of persons upon the use of ionising radiation. Radiation practices shall be considered those increasing radiation level and exposure to radiation such as: (a) the production, processing, use, possession, storage
Radiation Act.
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