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In implementation of articles 17, 19 and 21 of Legislative Decree No. 22 of 1997, the present Regional Act lays down rules governing the environmental restoration of areas which have been polluted by waste. Furthermore, it makes provision on the elaboration of the Land Reclamation Plan (art. 3). Article 2 provides for the creation of the register of areas to be restored.
In implementation of articles 17, 19 and 21 of Legislative Decree No. 22 of 1997, the present Regional Act lays down rules governing the environmental restoration of areas which have been polluted by waste. Furthermore, it makes provision on the elaboration of the Land Reclamation Plan (art. 3). Article 2 provides for the creation of the register of areas to be restored.
Regional Act No. 14 concerning the environmental restoration of polluted areas.
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