This Regional Act is aimed at the conservation of wild fauna and natural habitats in Sardinia. It is divided into six Titles. Hunting is permitted only if it is carried out giving priority to ecological balance of birds and mammals. It must be compatible with the conservation of wild fauna and the protection of agricultural and forestry production. The Region shall establish special permanent areas of conservation, as provided for by article 4. The capture or killing of protected wild animals listed in the Annex to this Regional Act is prohibited. Nevertheless, said animals may be captured and/or killed for researching or other scientific purposes in case of issuance of a special authorization by the Regional Authority. Articles 7-18 make provision for the bodies exercising powers in matter of conservation and improvement of wild fauna, which are: a) the Regional Authority for the protection of the environment; b) the Regional Fauna Committee; c) the Provinces; d) the Provincial Fauna Committees; e) the Committees for the management of hunting areas. The Region shall approve the programme related to fauna and hunting in Sardinia, as referred to in article 19. Title II concerns hunting. It takes particular account of the means of capture and killing that are allowed (art. 41). Article 42 lays down hunting requirements ( such as hunting licence and authorization ). Only birds and mammals listed in article 48 may be killed. In certain periods established by article 49 hunting is not allowed. Title III concerns further prohibitions as well as control measures and penalties.
This Regional Act is aimed at the conservation of wild fauna and natural habitats in Sardinia. It is divided into six Titles. Hunting is permitted only if it is carried out giving priority to ecological balance of birds and mammals. It must be compatible with the conservation of wild fauna and the protection of agricultural and forestry production. The Region shall establish special permanent areas of conservation, as provided for by article 4. The capture or killing of protected wild animals li
Regional Act No. 23 on the protection of wild fauna and hunting in Sardinia Region.
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