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The Valle d Aosta Region encourages the proper use of water resources in accordance with the general criteria of renewal, reusing and saving of such resources. This Regional Act, in compliance with the provisions established at the national level by Act No. 36 of 5 January 1994, provides for the arrangement of the regional integrated water service and the distribution of functions amongst local entities in matter of water supply. The Regional Council shall draft and approve the Regional Water Plan, to lay down rules and directives intended for: the proper use of water resources; the protection of water quality; the renewal and saving of water resources; the optimal management of the integrated water service; and the rearrangement of structures engaged in the supply of water services (art. 7).
The Valle d’Aosta Region encourages the proper use of water resources in accordance with the general criteria of renewal, reusing and saving of such resources. This Regional Act, in compliance with the provisions established at the national level by Act No. 36 of 5 January 1994, provides for the arrangement of the regional integrated water service and the distribution of functions amongst local entities in matter of water supply. The Regional Council shall draft and approve the Regional Water Pl
Regional Act No. 27 on the organization of the integrated water service.
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