This Regional Decree approves Decree-Law No. 186/90 (establishing that land use plannings must be regulated according to environmental impact assessment program). It consists of 6 articles approving provisions established by the aforementioned Decree-Law for the Autonomous Region of Madeira too and establishes competent regional authority for carrying out controls on such sector.
This Regional Decree approves Decree-Law No. 186/90 (establishing that land use plannings must be regulated according to environmental impact assessment program). It consists of 6 articles approving provisions established by the aforementioned Decree-Law for the Autonomous Region of Madeira too and establishes competent regional authority for carrying out controls on such sector.
It approves EEC Council Directive No. 85/337 of 27 June 1985 and Regulamentary Decree No. 38/90 of 27 November.
Regional Decree No. 14/91/M approving Decree-Law No. 186/90 (establishing that land use plannings must be regulated according to environmental impact assessment program).
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