This Regional Legislative Decree, consisting of VII Titles, divided in 246 articles and XI Annexes, establishes the regime for preventing and managing hazardous residues within the Autonomous Region of Azores. It applies for all activities related with residue management (including: collection, transport, storage, treatment, processing and elimination of residues, soil decontamination and monitoring of final locations for storing harmful residues). It also applies for all packaging and containers placed on the market (for local or external market uses). The aim of this Decree is to protect and prevent the negative impact that these residues may have on the natural environment and on the human health. In particular it provides for preventing the pollution of the following natural elements: environment, superficial and underground waters, soil, air and atmosphere, in particular focusing on the reduction of the production of greenhouse effect. Annexes list requirements, standards, criteria and classification of harmful residues for the environment.
This Regional Legislative Decree, consisting of VII Titles, divided in 246 articles and XI Annexes, establishes the regime for preventing and managing hazardous residues within the Autonomous Region of Azores. It applies for all activities related with residue management (including: collection, transport, storage, treatment, processing and elimination of residues, soil decontamination and monitoring of final locations for storing harmful residues). It also applies for all packaging and container
This Regional Legislative Decree repeals: Regional Legislative Decree No. 31/83/A, Regional Legislative Decree No. 9/84/A, Regional Legislative Decree No. 12/99/A, Regional Legislative Decree No. 15/99/A, Regional Legislative Decree No. 24/2001/A, Regional Legislative Decree No. 6/2003/A, Regional Legislative Decree No. 40/2008/A, Government Resolution No. 132/97, Government Resolution No. 190/99, Government Resolution No. 65/2003, Government Resolution No. 98/2005, Government Resolution No. 128/2006, Government Resolution No. 131/2006, Order No. 35/97, Order No. 31/98, Order No. 4/2002, Order No. 74/2009, Order No. 12/2010, Order No. 96/2009.
Regional Legislative Decree No. 29/2011/A establishing the regime for preventing and managing hazardous residues.
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