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This Regulation of the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Food lays down animal health conditions governing movement between Member States of the European Community and import from third countries of equidae. The movement of equidae registered in the Republic of Slovenia may be authorized by the Veterinary Administration. Equines must be transported as soon as possible directly from the holding or via approved market or assembly center to the destination. Equines can be transported only in vehicles and transport boxes which are cleaned after each use and disinfected if necessary. Means of transport or transport boxes for equines must be designed and constructed to prevent leakage and loss of feaces, litter and feed. Transportation must ensure the protection of health and welfare of equines. Equidae may be imported from third countries which are included in the list of the European Commission. This Regulation is composed of 17 articles divided into the following Sections: General provisions (Sec. 1); Rules for movement of equidae (Sec. 2); Rules for import from third countries of equidae (Sec. 3); Transitional and final provisions (Sec. 4).
This Regulation of the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Food lays down animal health conditions governing movement between Member States of the European Community and import from third countries of equidae. The movement of equidae registered in the Republic of Slovenia may be authorized by the Veterinary Administration. Equines must be transported as soon as possible directly from the holding or via approved market or assembly center to the destination. Equines can be transported only in ve
Regulation on animal health conditions governing movement between Member States of the European Community and import from third countries of equidae.
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