The present Regulation of the Council of Ministers is composed of nine Sections and one Annex. The Regulation specifies the documentation used in the procedure for the issue of permits for the import, export or transit through the territory of Poland of spent nuclear fuel, which is composed of the following parts: application; the part which is applicable for issuing the permit by the competent authority of the country of destination and country or countries of transit for import or transit, respectively, of spent nuclear fuel; the part which is applicable in case of issue by the President of the NAEA of the permit for the import into the territory of Poland, export from the territory of Poland or transit through this territory of spent fuel, or in case of issue by the competent authority of the country of holder of permit for export of spent fuel; shipment specification; and acknowledgement of receipt of spent nuclear fuel.
The present Regulation of the Council of Ministers is composed of nine Sections and one Annex. The Regulation specifies the documentation used in the procedure for the issue of permits for the import, export or transit through the territory of Poland of spent nuclear fuel, which is composed of the following parts: application; the part which is applicable for issuing the permit by the competent authority of the country of destination and country or countries of transit for import or transit, res
Regulation on authorization for import to the territory of Poland, export from the territory of Poland or transit through this territory of spent nuclear fuel.
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