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This Regulation of the Council of Ministers is composed of six Paragraphs and one Annex. Nuclear materials, radioactive sources and devices containing such sources can be imported to or exported from the territory of Poland if: import or export is done by and organizational entity which is authorized to carry out activities connected with a threat of ionizing radiation; organizational entity requested to import or export, in case of materials for which such request is obligatory; import or export regards materials for which permission is not required.
This Regulation of the Council of Ministers is composed of six Paragraphs and one Annex. Nuclear materials, radioactive sources and devices containing such sources can be imported to or exported from the territory of Poland if: import or export is done by and organizational entity which is authorized to carry out activities connected with a threat of ionizing radiation; organizational entity requested to import or export, in case of materials for which such request is obligatory; import or expor
Regulation on conditions of import to territory of Poland, export from territory of Poland or transit through this territory of nuclear materials, radioactive sources and devices containing such sources.
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