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This Regulation of the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development is composed of five paragraphs. Frozen foodstuffs not intended directly for consumption are marked on the packaging, container or enclosed label, with the following information: name of the foodstuff, net weight, identification code of the production batch, data identifying natural person, physical person or organizational unit which produces or packs foodstuffs, or places foodstuffs on the market if this activity is registered on the territory of one of European Union member states. Condensed fruit juice not intended directly for consumption is marked with the name of product and information on the presence and amount of added sugar, added lemon juice or regulators. The Regulation specifies also the way of marking containers for the transportation of filtered honey.
This Regulation of the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development is composed of five paragraphs. Frozen foodstuffs not intended directly for consumption are marked on the packaging, container or enclosed label, with the following information: name of the foodstuff, net weight, identification code of the production batch, data identifying natural person, physical person or organizational unit which produces or packs foodstuffs, or places foodstuffs on the market if this activity is registered
Regulation on detailed scope and way of marking packaging of some groups and types of agricultural products and foodstuffs not intended directly for consumption.
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