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This Regulation of the Council of Ministers, which is composed of seven Paragraphs and two Annexes, establishes: documents required upon the submission of an application for a licence to carry out practices under exposure to ionizing radiation; documents required to report the practices as set forth above, in which the applicant confirms that nuclear safety and radiation protection requirements have been met; actions that the competent authority shall carry out prior to the issue of licences or acceptance of reports, if the content of the submitted documentation is not sufficient, in order to substantiate that nuclear safety and radiation protection requirements have been met. Annex 1 specifies the list of documents to be attached to the application for a licence to carry out practices under exposure, excluding practices carried out in nuclear facilities, spent nuclear fuel storage locations, radioactive waste repositories and spent nuclear fuel repositories. Annex 2 specifies the list of documents to be attached to the application for the licence to carry out practices under exposure in nuclear facilities, spent nuclear fuel repositories, radioactive waste repositories and spent nuclear fuel storage locations.
This Regulation of the Council of Ministers, which is composed of seven Paragraphs and two Annexes, establishes: documents required upon the submission of an application for a licence to carry out practices under exposure to ionizing radiation; documents required to report the practices as set forth above, in which the applicant confirms that nuclear safety and radiation protection requirements have been met; actions that the competent authority shall carry out prior to the issue of licences or
Regulation on documents required upon the submission of an application for the licence to carry out practices under exposure to ionizing radiation or when such practices are to be reported.
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