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The objective of this Regulation of the Minister of Environment is to prevent and reduce as far as possible the direct and indirect effects of emissions. The present Regulation lays down: (1) types of installations for which emission standards concerning introduction of gas or dust into the air should by determined; (2) types of fuel combustion sources for which emission standards concerning introduction of gas or dust into the air are determined; (3) emission standards conerning introduction of gas or dust into the air for installations, fuel combustion sources and appliances for incineration or co-incineration of waste; (4) other requirements concerning meeting emission standards for certain types of installations, fuel combustion sources and appliances for incineration or co-incineration of waste. The present Regulation consists of the following Sections: General provisions (sect. 1); Sources of fuel combustion (sect.2); Installations and appliances for incineration and co-incineration of waste (sect. 3); Installations for processing asbestos or products containing asbestos (sect. 4); Installation for the production of titanium dioxide (sect. 5); Installations where organic solvents are used (sect. 6); Transitional and final provisions (sect. 7).
The objective of this Regulation of the Minister of Environment is to prevent and reduce as far as possible the direct and indirect effects of emissions. The present Regulation lays down: (1) types of installations for which emission standards concerning introduction of gas or dust into the air should by determined; (2) types of fuel combustion sources for which emission standards concerning introduction of gas or dust into the air are determined; (3) emission standards conerning introduction of
Regulation on emission standards for certain types of installations, fuel combustion sources and appliances for waste incineration or co-incineration.
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