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The purpose of this Regulation of the Minister of Environment is to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases. This Regulation establishes: (1) form and scope of information included in the report on monitoring of achieving effects concerning reduction of the emission of greenhouse gases; (2) form and scope of information included in the report on the progress in implementation of the program or project; (3) form and scope of information included in the report on verification of the monitoring of achieving effects concerning reduction of the emission of greenhouse gases. Forms of these reports are specified in Annexes.
The purpose of this Regulation of the Minister of Environment is to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases. This Regulation establishes: (1) form and scope of information included in the report on monitoring of achieving effects concerning reduction of the emission of greenhouse gases; (2) form and scope of information included in the report on the progress in implementation of the program or project; (3) form and scope of information included in the report on verification of the monitoring of
Regulation establishing form and scope of information included in reports concerning programs or projects implemented according to the National system of green investments.
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