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This Regulation prescribes all necessary standards, rules and conditions which must be met by food and/or nutrition additives or supplement producers and related sectors regarding the specific supplements, the composition, and labelling and marketing of foods or nutrition supplements (concerns food supplements placed on the market as foodstuffs and presented as such) on the territory of the Croatian Republic and/or European Union.
The provisions of this Regulation will not apply to drugs that are regulated by the Law on Medicinal Products ("Official Gazette of the Republic of Croatia", 76/2013).
This Regulation prescribes all necessary standards, rules and conditions which must be met by food and/or nutrition additives or supplement producers and related sectors regarding the specific supplements, the composition, and labelling and marketing of foods or nutrition supplements (concerns food supplements placed on the market as foodstuffs and presented as such) on the territory of the Croatian Republic and/or European Union.
Regulation on food supplements.
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