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This Regulation of the Government lays down, in accordance with the legislation of the European Community, conditions of the implementation of certain measures of common organization of market of fruits and vegetables. In particular, art. 2 establishes conditions of the recognition as a producer or transnational producer organization, art. 3 - conditions of the recognition as an association or transnational association of producers, art. 11 conditions of the membership of producer organization.
This Regulation of the Government lays down, in accordance with the legislation of the European Community, conditions of the implementation of certain measures of common organization of market of fruits and vegetables. In particular, art. 2 establishes conditions of the recognition as a producer or transnational producer organization, art. 3 - conditions of the recognition as an association or transnational association of producers, art. 11 ¾ conditions of the membership of producer organization
Regulation on the implementation of certain measures of common organization of market of fruits and vegetables.
Czech Republic
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