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This Regulation of the Minister for the Environment and Spatial Planning, Minister for Health and Minister for Agriculture, Forestry and Food, establishes the manner and extent of environmental radioactivity monitoring and operational monitoring of radioactivity, types of measurements and methods of sampling and measurement of radioactivity, the quality of radioactivity measuring equipment, the way of publishing results of measurements of radioactivity, and the content and method of preparation and adoption of programs concerning monitoring of radioactivity. Regulation also relates to emergency monitoring of radioactivity in case of increased radioactive contamination of air, drinking water, water, soil, food, feed and individual products or materials and manner of reporting and informing the public about the results of the emergency monitoring.
This Regulation of the Minister for the Environment and Spatial Planning, Minister for Health and Minister for Agriculture, Forestry and Food, establishes the manner and extent of environmental radioactivity monitoring and operational monitoring of radioactivity, types of measurements and methods of sampling and measurement of radioactivity, the quality of radioactivity measuring equipment, the way of publishing results of measurements of radioactivity, and the content and method of preparation
Regulation on the monitoring of radioactivity.
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