This Regulation, consisting of 34 articles divided into six Chapters, regulates the establishment and sustainable Management of Production Forest. This Regulation focuses on sustainable management and use of forest, NTFPs and forest land within Production Forest Areas (PFA) with participation of local authorities and villagers in order to provide the need for supply of raw timber and NTFPs for national socio-economic development without negative impact on the environment and ensure that the management, conservation and use of production forest throughout the country will be implemented according to GOL policy, legislation and technical guidelines. The scope of this regulation covers the principles and procedures for the establishment and sustainable management of Production Forest Areas throughout the country. The principles and procedures for establishment of PFA may be applicable for all forest areas and forestland that have potential to be PFA. The principles and procedures for sustainable management shall be applicable only in forest and forestland areas established as PFAs. Forest activities that occur within an area proposed for establishment as a PFA shall be consistent with the objectives of PFA management and other relevant legislation. The Regulation is divided as follows: General Provisions (I); Establishment and Modification of a PFA (II); Management of a PFA (III); Monitoring and Control (IV); Incentives and Measures (V); Final Provisions (VI).
This Regulation, consisting of 34 articles divided into six Chapters, regulates the establishment and sustainable Management of Production Forest. This Regulation focuses on sustainable management and use of forest, NTFPs and forest land within Production Forest Areas (PFA) with participation of local authorities and villagers in order to provide the need for supply of raw timber and NTFPs for national socio-economic development without negative impact on the environment and ensure that the mana
This regulation is based on the following: Law 01-96 of 11 October 1996 on Forests; Prime Minister's Decree 59/PM of 22 May 2002 on Sustainable Management of Production Forest Areas; Prime Minister's Decree 89/PM of 22 June 1999 on Organization and Administration of Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry.
Regulation No. 0204/MAF on the Establishment and sustainable Management of Production Forest.
Lao People’s Democratic Republic
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