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This Regulation, consisting of 17 articles, regulates the Export requirements for Mining Products. This Regulation aims at harmonizing management, inspection and monitoring of the testing process both in domestic and/or abroad; at regulating some kinds of tests [examination], including the weights of samples to be tested by individuals, legal entities or organizations performing mining activity, especially during the exploration/survey as well as at the beginning of the mining [extraction] phase. In addition, this Regulation aims at stipulating the awards and penalties to encourage the implementation of this Regulation by those individuals, legal entities or organizations and governmental agencies to comply with their commitments, to work according to the technical principles, laws and regulations.
This Regulation, consisting of 17 articles, regulates the Export requirements for Mining Products. This Regulation aims at harmonizing management, inspection and monitoring of the testing process both in domestic and/or abroad; at regulating some kinds of tests [examination], including the weights of samples to be tested by individuals, legal entities or organizations performing mining activity, especially during the exploration/survey as well as at the beginning of the mining [extraction] phase
Pursuant to the following: Law on Mines, No. 04/NA, dated 8/12/2008; Prime Minister s Decree No. 136/PM, dated 24/7/2006 on the Organization and Activities of the Ministry of Energy and Mines.
Regulation No. 1116/MEM on sending mining samples for testing.
Lao People’s Democratic Republic
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