This Regulation, consisting of 21 articles, establishes the Quality Inspection of Goods. It specifies principles, rules and measures for the inspection of goods quality, in accordance to promulgated National, foreign or international standards, which Lao PDR recognized or accepted in order to ensure safety of health, protection of consumers and preservation of environment. This Regulation aims at controlling the goods listed within the text, except products and goods under a Loan project of the Government of Lao PDR. Foreign investment projects shall declare to the National Authority for Science and Technology, but if those goods are to be sold on the market they shall be subject to this Regulation.
This Regulation, consisting of 21 articles, establishes the Quality Inspection of Goods. It specifies principles, rules and measures for the inspection of goods quality, in accordance to promulgated National, foreign or international standards, which Lao PDR recognized or accepted in order to ensure safety of health, protection of consumers and preservation of environment. This Regulation aims at controlling the goods listed within the text, except products and goods under a Loan project of the
Based on the following: Standard Law No. 13/NA, dated 26 December 2007; Prime Minister s Decree No. 85/PM, dated 02 November 1995 on the Management of Products and Goods; Agreement made at the Prime Minister and deputy Prime Minister s meeting, dated 5/12/2000 and notice of the Prime Minister s Office No. 2053, dated 13/12/2000 on an approval for notification of national standards and establishment of national committee on the quality inspection of goods; Requirement of the management for goods quality and the consumers rights protection.
Regulation No. 1226/PMO-STEA on the Quality Inspection of Goods.
Lao People’s Democratic Republic
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