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Regulation concerning requirements, administration and registration in relation with the carrying out of fisheries activities.
This Regulation implements national legislation and carrying into effect Community legislation regarding rules for fisheries as defined in specified Community legislation. The Regulation defines an exclusive 12 mile zone as defined in Council Regulation nr. 2371/2002 and allows access to the zone in accordance with that Regulation.
This Regulation further provides for the recognition of specified fisheries registers, prohibits fishing with vessels that are not measured and lays down requirements regarding fishing vessels, documents to be kept on board of fishing vessels (also for fishing in fisheries waters of countries that are not a member of the EU), administration on the landing of fish and the trade in fish and other measures to control fisheries activities and the landing of fish.
Regulation concerning requirements, administration and registration in relation with the carrying out of fisheries activities.
Consolidated version as at 21 May 2007.
Regulation No. TRCJZ/2006/1534 of the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature Conservation and Food Quality concerning regular control on the landing of fish, 1988.
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