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These Regulations are formulated for the purpose of strengthening the administration of the use of sea areas, safeguarding State ownership of the sea areas and the legitimate rights and interests of the sea area users, promoting rational development and sustainable utilization of the sea areas, and promoting development and opening up of Tianjin Binhai New Area.
The Text is divided into 8 Chapters: Chapter I General Provisions; Chapter II Marine Function Zoning and Planning of the Use of Sea Areas; Chapter III Application for, Examination and Approval of the Use of Sea Areas; Chapter IV Right for the Use of Sea Areas; Chapter V Temporary Use of Sea Areas; Chapter VI Fees for the Use of Sea Areas; Chapter VII Legal Liabilities; Chapter VIII Supplementary Provisions.
These Regulations shall be applicable to any exclusive activities relating to the continuous use of a specific sea area over three months within the sea areas of Tianjin Municipality (art.2). The department in charge of marine administration under the municipal people s government shall be responsible for supervision and management over the use of the sea areas in this Municipality (art.3). According to Article 6, the municipal competent authority shall work out the marine function zoning plans.
These Regulations are formulated for the purpose of strengthening the administration of the use of sea areas, safeguarding State ownership of the sea areas and the legitimate rights and interests of the sea area users, promoting rational development and sustainable utilization of the sea areas, and promoting development and opening up of Tianjin Binhai New Area.
Regulations of Tianjin Municipality on the Administration of the Use of Sea Areas.
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