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This Resolution of the Council of Ministers creates the mission structure for Continental Rural Development Programme (PDR 2020). It establishes the tasks of managing, monitoring and implementating the RDP 2020, according to the objectives and defined outcomes and the management regulations of European and National legislation, still exercising the powers provided for in article 31 of Decree law No. 137/2014, and article 66 of Regulation (EU) No. 1305/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council.
This Resolution of the Council of Ministers creates the mission structure for Continental Rural Development Programme (PDR 2020). It establishes the tasks of managing, monitoring and implementating the RDP 2020, according to the objectives and defined outcomes and the management regulations of European and National legislation, still exercising the powers provided for in article 31 of Decree law No. 137/2014, and article 66 of Regulation (EU) No. 1305/2013 of the European Parliament and of the C
Resolution of the Council of Ministers No. 59/2014 creating the mission structure for Continental Rural Development Programme (PDR 2020).
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