The purpose of this Act is: (a) to give effect to the right to freedom of expression under paragraph 5(1)(g) of the Constitution of the Republic of Vanuatu; and (b) to provide access to information held by Government agencies, relevant private entities and private entities, subject to exceptions provided under Part 5 of this Act; and (c) to establish voluntary and mandatory mechanisms to give the public the right to access to information; and (d) to promote transparency, accountability, and national development by empowering and educating the public to understand and act upon their rights to information; and (e) to increase public participation in governance. The Act also concerns environmental information.
The purpose of this Act is: (a) to give effect to the right to freedom of expression under paragraph 5(1)(g) of the Constitution of the Republic of Vanuatu; and (b) to provide access to information held by Government agencies, relevant private entities and private entities, subject to exceptions provided under Part 5 of this Act; and (c) to establish voluntary and mandatory mechanisms to give the public the right to access to information; and (d) to promote transparency, accountability, and nati
Right to Information Act 2016 (No. 13 of 2016).
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