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The present Ordinance lays down provisions relating to installations handling substances being a hazard to water. Article 3 establishes that installations for the loading and unloading of substances being a hazard to water and installations for the storage and filling of liquid manure, slurry and silage seepage must be designed, installed, erected, maintained and operated in such a way that the best possible level of protection of waters from pollution or other detrimental changes to their properties is achieved. The text consists of 27 articles divided into 7 Parts as follows: General provisions (1); Facilities for storage, filling and handling water-polluting substances (2); Facilities for producing and treating water-polluting substances and facilities using these substances in trade and industry and public institutions (3); Control (4); Specialized industries (5); Penalties (6); Transitional and final provisions (7).
The present Ordinance lays down provisions relating to installations handling substances being a hazard to water. Article 3 establishes that installations for the loading and unloading of substances being a hazard to water and installations for the storage and filling of liquid manure, slurry and silage seepage must be designed, installed, erected, maintained and operated in such a way that the best possible level of protection of waters from pollution or other detrimental changes to their prope
The present Ordinance is consolidated as of 8 August 2013.
Saxony Hazardous Installations Ordinance.
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