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This Order places restrictions on the use and carriage of scallop dredges, and applies to British fishing boats within relevant British fishery limits (as defined in art. 2). It prohibits the use or carriage of scallop dredges which do not conform to certain technical specifications (arts. 3 and 4). The Order also contains restrictions on the number of dredges which may be towed within 6 miles of the baselines within relevant British fishery limits (art. 5) and, within ICES division VII d, bans the carriage of scallops which measure less than 110 millimeters (arts. 6 and 7). Additionally the Order confers powers of enforcement on British sea fishery officers for the purposes of enforcing this Order or any equivalent Order implementing similar prohibitions in relation to any categories of fishing boat (art. 8) and prescribes offences.
This Order places restrictions on the use and carriage of scallop dredges, and applies to British fishing boats within relevant British fishery limits (as defined in art. 2). It prohibits the use or carriage of scallop dredges which do not conform to certain technical specifications (arts. 3 and 4). The Order also contains restrictions on the number of dredges which may be towed within 6 miles of the baselines within relevant British fishery limits (art. 5) and, within ICES division VII d, bans
The Undersized Scallops (West Coast) Order 1984 is revoked in so far as it applies within relevant British Fishery limits.
Scallop Fishing Order 2004 (S.I. No. 12 of 2004).
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
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