An Ordinance to regulate the marketing of seeds in agriculture. The Ordinance contains at the outset a definition clause relating to various terms therein employed, such as, "material", "origin", harmful organism etc. Part 3 regulates in particular seeds for vegetables. In the following it treats issues, such as examination, certification, packaging and sealing. Finally, the Ordinance indicates penalties in case of violation. There are also final and transitional provisions. The Ordinance consists of 49 articles divided into 8 Parts and 8 Annexes.
An Ordinance to regulate the marketing of seeds in agriculture. The Ordinance contains at the outset a definition clause relating to various terms therein employed, such as, "material", "origin", “harmful organism” etc. Part 3 regulates in particular seeds for vegetables. In the following it treats issues, such as examination, certification, packaging and sealing. Finally, the Ordinance indicates penalties in case of violation. There are also final and transitional provisions. The Ordinance cons
The present Ordinance is consolidated as of 13 July 2022.
Seeds Ordinance.
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