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The present Ordinance introduces some amendments to the Wine Ordinance in its consolidated version of 14 May 2002 (BGBl. I p. 1583). It rewords article 46b whereby products with a content of alcohol more than 1,2% may be brought into circulation only if they comply with requirements listed in this article; it adds various items to Annex 7; it rewords Annex 12 dealing with ingredients capable of causing allergic reactions.
The present Ordinance amends also the Wine Inspection Ordinance in its consolidated version of 14 May 2002 (BGBl. I p. 1666). It adds a paragraph 3 to article 27 establishing that inspections must be carried out according to the provisions of the EU directive 2002/26/EEG of 13 March 2002; it rewords Annex 1 listing institutes and laboratories authorized to give a first expertise on imported wine; it rewords also Annex 2 listing again institutes and laboratories authorized to give a second expertise on imported wine.
The present Ordinance amends also the Wine Cultivation Ordinance of 9 November 2000 (BGBl. I p. 3751). It introduces minor amendments to the title and article 2.
The present Ordinance introduces some amendments to the Wine Ordinance in its consolidated version of 14 May 2002 (BGBl. I p. 1583). It rewords article 46b whereby products with a content of alcohol more than 1,2% may be brought into circulation only if they comply with requirements listed in this article; it adds various items to Annex 7; it rewords Annex 12 dealing with ingredients capable of causing allergic reactions.
Seventh Ordinance amending various Ordinances on wine.
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