The present Ordinance implements the Council Directive 86/278/EEC of 12 June 1986 on the protection of the environment and, in particular, of the soils where sewage sludge is, used in agriculture (Official Journal of the EC, no. L 181 p. 6). The said Ordinance has to be observed by anyone who 1. operates waste-water treatment plants and surrenders or intends to surrender sewage sludge for application on agriculturally or horticulturally used soils, 2. applies or intends to apply sewage sludge on agriculturally or horticulturally used soils. It consists of Sections as follows: Scope (1); Definition of terms (2); Conditions permitting application (3); Application bans and restrictions (4); Exemption regulations (5); Application quantity (6); Obligations to furnish verification (7); Application Schedule (8); Administrative offences (9); Entry into Force, abrogation (10). Two Annexes are enclosed.
The present Ordinance implements the Council Directive 86/278/EEC of 12 June 1986 on the protection of the environment and, in particular, of the soils where sewage sludge is, used in agriculture (Official Journal of the EC, no. L 181 p. 6). The said Ordinance has to be observed by anyone who 1. operates waste-water treatment plants and surrenders or intends to surrender sewage sludge for application on agriculturally or horticulturally used soils, 2. applies or intends to apply sewage sludge on
Sewage Sludge Ordinance.
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