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The present Act aims at the: a) implementation of the Treaty and the Agreement concerning the Treaty both of 29 January 2010 between the Principality of Liechtenstein and the Swiss Confederation on environmental charges in the Principality of Liechtenstein; b) reduction of impact on the environment by air pollution and exhaust emission; c) reduction of exhaust emission of engines; d) introduction of fuel containing less than 0,001 %. The text consists of 17 articles divided into 9 Parts as follows: General provisions (I); Compulsory tax (II); Calculation of tax (III); Procedure (IV); Use of tax (V); Implementing organization and control (VI); Legal remedies (VII); Penalties (VIII); Final provisions (IX).
The present Act aims at the: a) implementation of the Treaty and the Agreement concerning the Treaty both of 29 January 2010 between the Principality of Liechtenstein and the Swiss Confederation on environmental charges in the Principality of Liechtenstein; b) reduction of impact on the environment by air pollution and exhaust emission; c) reduction of exhaust emission of engines; d) introduction of fuel containing less than 0,001 %. The text consists of 17 articles divided into 9 Parts as follo
Volatile Organic Compound Tax Act.
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