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The present Act lays down provisions relating to waste disposal in Liechtenstein. Article 1 establishes that the: 1) generation of waste shall be avoided wherever it is possible; 2) government may prescribe by Ordinances that certain types of waste shall be recycled; 3) waste shall be disposed of separately; 4) harmful or annoying effects shall be limited. The text consists of 47 articles divided into 7 Parts as follows: General provisions and definition of terms (I); Waste disposal (II); Financing (IIII); Organization (IV); Procedure and legal remedies (V); Penalties (VI); Final provisions (VII).
The present Act lays down provisions relating to waste disposal in Liechtenstein. Article 1 establishes that the: 1) generation of waste shall be avoided wherever it is possible; 2) government may prescribe by Ordinances that certain types of waste shall be recycled; 3) waste shall be disposed of separately; 4) harmful or annoying effects shall be limited. The text consists of 47 articles divided into 7 Parts as follows: General provisions and definition of terms (I); Waste disposal (II); Financ
Waste Disposal Act.
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